Eyes On: North Corner Haven.


City weddings are how we got our start, but there’s something so special about getting out in the country. It’s even better if we don’t have to go very far to feel like we’re a million miles away from the buzz, and time is moving a little bit slower. Driving up to North Corner Haven gives you that exact dream-sequence feeling that we’re always chasing after — it’s the way we imagine it might feel to stumble into a gold mine.

North Corner Haven is a working farm, just across the border from Charlotte in South Carolina. Everything about the property — from the thoughtfully-executed renovations to the perfectly-manicured (and 7,000 square foot!) lawn — feels warm and welcoming. It’s the perfect setting for our favorite vibe: relaxed, approachable sophistication.

Exploring this sprawling property was such a great time that it was difficult for us to leave…and that’s how we want guests to feel, every time. We can’t help but have our eyes on North Corner Haven.

Photography by our friend, Kat Braman.

Allison Davis